- astrocytes (23)
- bacteria (65)
- blood vessels (168)
- bone (15)
- brain tissue (110)
- C. elegans (14)
- cancer cells (308)
- cartilage (19)
- cell differentiation (75)
- cell division (56)
- cell migration (25)
- cell stress (10)
- chemotherapy (29)
- chromatin (18)
- cilia (15)
- collagen (31)
- cytoskeleton (50)
- dendritic cells (7)
- devices (182)
- Drosophila melanogaster (30)
- endoplasmic reticulum (6)
- endothelial cells (42)
- epithelial cells (48)
- extracellular matrix (52)
- fibroblasts (23)
- glial cells (38)
- Golgi apparatus (2)
- hair (10)
- heart cells (21)
- intestinal cells (78)
- liver cells (79)
- lung tissue (60)
- lymph nodes (36)
- macrophages (30)
- memory (21)
- micropatterning (15)
- mitochondria (18)
- muscle (40)
- nanomaterials (281)
- nerve cells (28)
- neurons (196)
- NK cells (7)
- organoids (78)
- parasites (34)
- plankton (5)
- plant cells (16)
- polymers (119)
- quantum dots (2)
- skin (38)
- stem cells (130)
- T cells (62)
- tumor microenvironment (69)
- viruses (38)
- waves (4)
- yeast (7)
- zebrafish (27)
- aging (17)
- Alzheimer's Disease (39)
- aneuploidy (14)
- angiogenesis (24)
- autism (11)
- breast cancer (56)
- cell proliferation (51)
- cell signaling (94)
- covid-19 (9)
- crystallography (10)
- detection and sensing (123)
- developmental biology (114)
- diabetes (55)
- diet (12)
- DNA damage repair (28)
- DNA synthesis (6)
- drug delivery (314)
- drug discovery (14)
- drug resistance (35)
- ecology (15)
- epigenetics (10)
- evolutionary biology (10)
- fibrosis (11)
- gene editing (19)
- HIV (27)
- Huntington's Disease (19)
- imaging techniques (88)
- immunotherapy (112)
- lab culture (10)
- light and optics (10)
- machine learning (12)
- malaria (23)
- manufacturing and fabrication (21)
- marine sciences (21)
- mathematical modeling (7)
- metabolism (31)
- metastasis (117)
- microbiome (14)
- neuroscience (201)
- optogenetics (1)
- protein synthesis (22)
- regeneration (30)
- RNAi (29)
- screening techniques (17)
- side effects (1)
- structural biology (35)
- synthetic biology (26)
- tissue engineering (95)
- tissue repair (50)
- tumorigenesis (64)
- vaccines (112)
- 3D modeling (44)
- atomic force microscopy (2)
- brightfield microscopy (4)
- confocal microscopy (611)
- CT imaging (5)
- darkfield microscopy (8)
- data visualization (85)
- deconvolution microscopy (41)
- electron microscopy (285)
- epi-fluorescence microscopy (186)
- expansion microscopy (11)
- fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy (3)
- helium ion microscopy (3)
- immunofluorescence microscopy (94)
- intravital microscopy (22)
- laser scanner (5)
- light microscopy (110)
- lightsheet microscopy (9)
- magnetic resonance imaging (1)
- multiphoton microscopy (52)
- paintings and drawings (4)
- PET scan (2)
- phase contrast microscopy (7)
- photography (46)
- polarization microscopy (1)
- polymerase chain reaction (2)
- single plane illumination microscopy (3)
- stereo microscopy (7)
- super resolution microscopy (57)
- total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy (6)
- two photon fluorescence microscopy (19)
- x-ray crystallography (4)
- Amon Laboratory (13)
- Anderson Laboratory (126)
- Anikeeva Lab (4)
- Applied Therapeutics and Whole Animal Imaging Core (4)
- Bathe Laboratory (5)
- Bear Laboratory (13)
- Biomolecular Materials Laboratory (34)
- Blainey Laboratory (14)
- Blankschtein Laboratory (9)
- Boehm Laboratory (2)
- Boyden Laboratory (14)
- Boyer Laboratory (12)
- Braatz Laboratory (4)
- Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform (1)
- Burge Laboratory (10)
- Chang Laboratory (4)
- Chen Laboratory (6)
- Cima Laboratory (25)
- Doyle Laboratory (5)
- Drennan Laboratory (6)
- Edelman Laboratory (22)
- ES Cell Facility (1)
- Floyd Laboratory (3)
- Gabrieli Laboratory (2)
- Gehring Laboratory (5)
- Gertler Laboratory (46)
- Goosens Laboratory (2)
- Graybiel Laboratory (13)
- Griffith Laboratory (42)
- Grossman Laboratory (5)
- Guarente Laboratory (5)
- Gupta Laboratory (18)
- Hammond Laboratory (119)
- Hansen Laboratory (4)
- Hemann Laboratory (4)
- High Throughput Sciences Facility (3)
- Horvitz Laboratory (11)
- Housman Laboratory (19)
- Hynes Laboratory (60)
- Irvine Laboratory (116)
- Jacks Laboratory (63)
- Jaenisch Laboratory (13)
- Jaklenec Group (46)
- Johnson Laboratory (1)
- Kamm Laboratory (10)
- Keating Laboratory (1)
- Khademhosseini Laboratory (3)
- Knouse Laboratory (5)
- Koehler Laboratory (3)
- Kohane Laboratory (6)
- Krieger Laboratory (1)
- Laboratory for Multiscale Regenerative Technologies (119)
- Langer Laboratory (267)
- Lees Laboratory (21)
- Lourido Laboratory (17)
- Love Laboratory (12)
- Manalis Laboratory (23)
- Martin Laboratory (23)
- Mirny Laboratory (3)
- Peterson (1957) Nanotechnology Materials Core Facility (106)
- Prather Laboratory (2)
- Raman Laboratory (9)
- Reddien Laboratory (11)
- Samson Laboratory (10)
- Sasisekharan Lab (1)
- Shalek Laboratory (5)
- Sharp Laboratory (10)
- Sive Laboratory (6)
- Spranger Laboratory (12)
- Traverso Laboratory (42)
- Tsai Laboratory (37)
- Van Oudenaarden Laboratory (3)
- Van Vliet Laboratory (14)
- Vander Heiden Laboratory (24)
- Voigt Laboratory (11)
- W.M. Keck Microscopy Facility (69)
- Weinberg Laboratory (16)
- Weiss Laboratory (5)
- Wellman Center for Photomedicine (1)
- White Laboratory (8)
- Wittrup Laboratory (12)
- Yaffe Laboratory (21)
- Yamashita Laboratory (7)
- Yannas Laboratory (1)
- Yilmaz Laboratory (52)
- Young Laboratory (2)
- Boston Children's Hospital (1)
- Brigham and Women's Hospital (3)
- Broad Institute (57)
- Center for Engineering in Medicine, MGH (1)
- Draper Laboratory (4)
- Frequency Therapeutics (2)
- Harvard Medical School (3)
- Harvard University (2)
- Harvard University Department of Genetics (1)
- Harvard University Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (5)
- Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (26)
- Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (23)
- Institute of Medical Engineering and Science (213)
- Koch Institute at MIT (1,261)
- Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine (12)
- Massachusetts General Hospital (26)
- McGovern Institute for Brain Research (59)
- McLean Hospital (1)
- MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences (7)
- MIT Department of Architecture (4)
- MIT Department of Biological Engineering (250)
- MIT Department of Biology (472)
- MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (119)
- MIT Department of Chemical Engineering (303)
- MIT Department of Chemistry (14)
- MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering (130)
- MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering (16)
- MIT Department of Physics (9)
- MIT Division of Comparative Medicine (2)
- MIT Media Lab (20)
- MIT Sea Grant (5)
- MIT.nano (6)
- Parsons Laboratory at MIT (11)
- Picower Institute for Learning and Memory (105)
- Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard (10)
- Research Laboratory of Electronics (16)
- Synthetic Biology Center (3)
- UC San Diego (1)
- University of Nottingham (1)
- University of Southampton (1)
- Whitehead Institute (160)