Exploring the Effects of Immunotherapy Against Neurodegeneration 2
Exploring the Effects of Immunotherapy Against Neurodegeneration 2
Nader Morshed, Leyla Akay, Li-Huei Tsai, Forest White
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT Department of Biological Engineering, Koch Institute at MIT
Seen here is a side by side comparison showing microglia in their resting state (right) compared with microglia in a mouse undergoing neurodegeneration (left). This image was taken as part of an analysis of how a particular immune receptor affects microglial inflammation. We were evaluating whether an inhibitor of this receptor could cross into the brain and affect its function in vivo.
This project has aimed to take technologies refined in the Koch Institute to study glioblastoma and use them to develop new therapies against Alzheimer’s disease. We hope to understand how immunotherapies targeted against cancer may also affect the progression of dementia.