Enter the Dragon: A Fiery, Immunogenic Death for Cancer
Enter the Dragon: A Fiery, Immunogenic Death for Cancer
Collections: Image Award Winners
2024 Award Winner
Padmini S. Pillai, Ege G. Onal, Jamie O. Webster, Robert S. Langer
Koch Institute at MIT, Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine
Hard-to-treat cancers often suppress antitumor immune responses and cell death mechanisms to evade demise. To overcome these obstacles, the Langer Lab has developed an mRNA nanotherapy that forces tumor cells to self-destruct, and to do so in a “fiery” fashion that leads to the recruitment and reprogramming of immune cells to kill the cancer.
Here, a human glioblastoma cell undergoes immunogenic death after this treatment. Pictured are the cell death proteins (red), cytoskeleton (yellow), and DNA (blue).

Padmini Pillai shares the story behind her image. You can also watch her presentation from the exhibition opening here.