Studying Patient Brain Cells in a Dish: Hope for Neurological Diseases
Studying Patient Brain Cells in a Dish: Hope for Neurological Diseases
Collections: Image Award Winners
2024 Award Winner
Michael D. Gallagher, Rudolf Jaenisch
Koch Institute at MIT, MIT Department of Biology, Whitehead Institute
Across biology, structure and function are strongly related. The structure of brain cells is especially breathtaking. Here, astrocytes display the hallmark “star-like” morphology for which they are named, with red and green labeling the expression of two genes important for their function.
To gain insight into genetic risk for neurological diseases, the Jaenisch Lab uses patient-derived cultures of microglia, neurons, and astrocytes (which provide critical support for neurons) to perform large scale, high-throughput screens to test the function of different risk variants.