Epigenetics Express: Tracking DNA Methylation in Real Time
Epigenetics Express: Tracking DNA Methylation in Real Time
Collections: Image Award Winners
2019 Award Winner
Yuelin Song, Rudolf Jaenisch
Koch Institute at MIT, MIT Department of Biology, Whitehead Institute
How do genetically identical cells give rise to diverse tissue types? The Jaenisch Lab studies the epigenetic mechanisms that determine if and when genes are expressed in a cell, leading to variations in gene activity.
In this 3D image of developing cells, different colors represent different activation states of an epigenetic process—DNA methylation—that suppresses gene activity. Analyzing epigenetic changes in real time across complex tissues and cell types at high resolution helps researchers understand how cells develop, and what goes wrong in cancer and other diseases.

Yuelin Song shares the story behind her image at the exhibit opening ceremony on March 20, 2019.