Toward Remote Control of Hormone Release 1
Toward Remote Control of Hormone Release 1
Dr. Dekel Rosenfeld
Research Laboratory of Electronics
This image shows an adrenal gland injected with magnetic nanoparticles for remote control of adrenal hormone release using alternating magnetic fields. Two injections are demonstrated (black big stains), green is for c-Fos (cell activity marker) and blue is cell nuclei (DAPI).
The image is a mosaic scan of the entire gland and was taken to understand the exact location of nanoparticles after injected directly into the gland and kept there for several months. The gland is divided to substructures and by knowing the exact injection location we can predict which hormones we are controlling. Moreover, positive green cells in this image represent cells that were activated by the magnetic fields and marked with c-Fos marker using immunofluorescence techniques.