Novel Crystal Synthess and Drug Encapsulation 4
Novel Crystal Synthess and Drug Encapsulation 4
Shady Farah, Joshua C. Doloff, Daniel G. Anderson and Robert Langer
Koch Institute at MIT, MIT Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Medical Engineering and Science
Our research focuses on biomedical devices for different diseases and applications, including type-1 diabetes, where we trying to do transplantation of Beta-Cells (insulin producer cells) instead of daily injection of insulin in order to reduce patients suffering including needles injection and improving life quality in saving normal- glycymia in long term treatment. However such implantation of device with cells results in severe body response includes inflammation, fibrosis and host rejection of transplanted materials and in consequence results in implants failure.
Here we invent a novel crystals of different drugs and encapsulate them in polysaccharide biomaterial for long term local treatment to prevent fibrosis and substantially biomedical implants failure and ideal treating diabetes. The reason for taking these pictures was to study the size, shape and morphology of the synthesized crystals as well as the final encapsulated crystals inside the spheres.